Monday, September 15, 2008

35W and the eMusic Giveaway!

I will start today's entry with a paragraph from the Minneapolis Star Tribune referring to the opening of the 35W bridge on Thursday.

The new bridge could see more cars, fewer cars or the same amount, Levinson said. "That, I think, will be an interesting thing to watch."

Thank you for your insight, Mr. Levinson.

By the by, I was thinking about where I was the day the bridge collapsed and I remember that I had just arrived at ComedySportz. The artistic director, Doug, told me the 35W bridge fell. I giggled because I was at ComedySportz and that's a pretty ridiculous claim. Well, as it turned out, he was telling the truth much to my chagrin. I left for New York the next morning and it was strange to see Minnesota all over the news in the Big Apple. Everyone who checked my ID in New York asked about the bridge. They knew it was a big deal, but they had no idea where the bridge was in relation to Minneapolis or St. Paul. Most people thought it was the only bridge between our twin cities. And if it hadn't been so soon after the event, I probably would've told them that it was the only link and now St. Paul has to give up their rights as State Capitol. Why? Because that's funny.

In entertainment news, I was fortunate enough to receive an e-mail from inviting me back to their website with an amazing 75 free downloads. Jigga wha? 75? So, I'm going to pay you $11 a month for 30 downloads (fair pricing) and just for doing that, you're going to give me an extra $25 worth of music. Awesome... but how do you stay afloat? I've already downloaded Rodrigo y Gabriela and Calexico. I'm considering picking up the entire Mitch Hedberg collection. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

thelifemosaic said...

I'm become quite a fan of indie rock group Of Montreal in the last few years.