Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Taxes and Somali Pirates

Doing your taxes 2 days before they are due is a really bad idea. Here's a short list as to why this is true:

  1. The two and a half months of not doing your taxes will lead you to believe you're about to get a big return, when, in fact, you will only get pennies back from the government.
  2. TaxAct.com will keep asking you if you have children and despite you clicking "Single," they believe you are lying or have adopted a child that maybe you've forgotten about.
  3. Everyone and their mother is on TaxAct.com making the loading time between questions anywhere from 2 to 4 minutes. That loading time will make you believe that an important question is coming, but it will only be another question about your forgotten adopted child.
  4. The IRS call line to retrieve your prior years' PIN is busy. Agent 02020389 doesn't want to help you anymore because you've waited too long.

So, it wasn't a terrible time, but it wasn't a walk in the park. All in all, they're done and I don't have to pay in this year. Cue the sigh of relief.

On a lighter note, those pirates got sk-doosh'd. 3 shots and 3 pirates down. I'm happy the sea captain who gave himself up to let his crew go free made it out alive. I can see this turning into a made-for-TV movie. I would call it, Somali Pirate Adventure: Hostage on the High Seas.

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